Hingham High School Chorus
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The World Of Disney

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The World Of Disney Empty The World Of Disney

Post  Eliza Daniels Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:39 pm

Throughout the past few weeks, our chorus has experienced a bit of tension while working independantly on our talent expo pieces. Some wonder whether or not we will have the notes and rythym of the songs learned in time for the concert, while others become frustrated feeling that this process is not as productive as those we have utilized in the past. While these stressing thoughts seem to be on the forefront of everyone's mind, I would like to propose an idea. Why not listen to the music? Listen to the words. And listen to the meaning. This is DISNEY TALENT EXPO. We all need to let go a little bit and have fun with it! Disney is the land where anything can happen! You can be a princess for a day. You can have all of your dreams come true. So instead of brooding on negative thoughts and frustrated minds, why don't we enjoy the music for all of the reasons that Walt Disney created this world of magic and love. Where you can remember what it feels like to be a child without a care in the world. Where a Spoonful of Sugar helps the medecine go down. And we truly forget about our worries and our strife. Instead of focusing on what may not being going as well as we had hoped, I think we should add a little bit of laughter into each of our songs, because I have a feeling, that added spirit will take us a long way in the process leading up to the concert. At the end of the day, we are trying to bring the world of Disney to each audience member through our music.

Eliza Daniels

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-10-04

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