Hingham High School Chorus
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Disney Tour

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Disney Tour Empty Disney Tour

Post  anniebeyerl Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:59 pm

I am planning on going on the Disney Tour and I’m very excited. This is my first year in chorus and so far it is great. I feel that going on the Disney tour will give me a new experience and it will be a lot of fun too. I’m looking forward to hopefully performing and showing the Disney visitors our passion for singing. Every time I get a chance to perform I feel that it is another chance for me to grow and become more professional. This trip will not only boost my confidence, but I think it will help the chorus to become stronger and more united. The more we sing together, the better we become as a group. We feed off of each others’ enthusiasm and learn to listen to each other as we sing. This trip will definitely be a wonderful experience for the chorus.


Posts : 6
Join date : 2012-09-06

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