Hingham High School Chorus
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Chicago Tour

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Chicago Tour Empty Chicago Tour

Post  MollySaran Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:04 pm

I can't even start to describe my enthusiasm about going to Chicago this year. I was extremely disappointed last year when (after much begging and pleading my parents) we didn't go to Italy. I really believe this is the year we should remember the most considering we have all these amazing opportunities before us and an outstanding chorus. I'm really sad to see that very few people are as excited as I am for this trip. I will never understand why anybody wouldn't take advantage of this kind of experience. I hope this trip will encourage me to expand my choral horizon. I know I am going to have an amazing time, but I do hope more students will consider going because in my eyes I think it's more important to have fun now rather than to plan it for next year's trip.


Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-09-19

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Chicago Tour Empty Just Go!

Post  rmcdonnell14 Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:18 pm

I completely agree with everything Molly said. This trip is going to be a blast and it's such a shame those who are not going won't be experiencing this with us. Trips such as Chicago in my belief are a privilege. It's not everyday we have this opportunity to spend so much quality time together. My dad always encourages me to go on school trips because he experienced them in high school and never forgets them. We need to take advantage of this! I mean how fun would it be to hang out with your friends and experience a fun trip? Money is evidently tight for most people but that should not be the reason people do not go. Fundraising and other options can be a huge help. I don't think anyone will regret going on this trip and the people who will regret anything are those who chose not to go. I personally have never been to Chicago, so seeing a whole new place and experiencing a new atmosphere is so exciting. Not going to Italy last year was a huge let down, but I think Chicago could make up for it.


Posts : 9
Join date : 2011-10-13

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