Hingham High School Chorus
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Chicago Tour

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Chicago Tour Empty Chicago Tour

Post  rachel dentremont Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:20 pm

I unfortunatly cannot go on the Chicago Tour. I wish i was going though. Trips like these are very important for ensembles and teams. We are all constantly talking about how we want to make chorus more like a family and be treated as a team. Trips bring in the family and team atmosphere. People need to learn how to get along with each other, and how to work well with each other. This means there has to be get-togethers before performances like team pasta parties before games. Going to a place like Chicago and staying there for a week will build this kind of atmosphere even more. There is so much excitment in the city and traveling to a place like this city that everyone shares. With people being so amped up and excited they are more outgoing and ready to have fun and experience new things. I wish i was going to Chicago for this very reason. I love our concert chorale class and I wish I could say that i spent an amazing week with everyone and made new friendships and deepened others.

rachel dentremont

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-10-16

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