Hingham High School Chorus
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Chicago Tour!!!!!!!!

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Chicago Tour!!!!!!!! Empty Chicago Tour!!!!!!!!

Post  Rissy.I.Hennessey Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:20 pm

The Chicago tour was so amazing i can't wait for the one coming next year! The top three experiences for food were 1. Ed Debevic's 2. Mexican town & 3. Gino's East. I cant even pick my favorite spot that we went to because all the spots were so amazing i can't decide on what was best. The 4 days that we were there were so action packed and filled with fun activites. One of the things that i really enjoyed was that we got free time to roam around and not have to check in. It made me feel responsible but we also had to check in often enough that it wasn't like we were completely alone. Over all it was a very good time and i can't wait for thye Disney trip next year!!!! Hope more people can join in this amazing experience next year!!!!! cheers


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Join date : 2011-10-04

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