Hingham High School Chorus
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Chicago Tour!

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Chicago Tour! Empty Chicago Tour!

Post  Katie Kelleher Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:56 pm

I cannot wait for the upcoming trip to Chicago! This is the one thing I've been waiting for this year. I've never been to the city, other than the airport, and I am excited to see what it's like. This trip will undeniably bring the chorus closer together. When staying and even rooming with each other for four days we'll learn a lot about the people in our chorus outside of school. Not only just the chorus will bond, since the entire music department is going. I have some close friends from band that are also going. I feel that I we never see the band or orchestra as much as we should, since we are a community. Once we go on this trip I will feel more involved with the other musical groups in our school. In being in Chicago together, I think that are spring performance will also improve. Once we get closer with each other it will be easier and more delightful to make music with one another. I know that this trip is going to be the highlight of my sophomore year and I hope other members are excited as I am.

Katie Kelleher

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-01

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