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Walt Disney

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Walt Disney Empty Walt Disney

Post  abbiruggiero Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:08 pm

Walt Disney was an American film producer, director, screenwriter, voice actor, animator, entrepreneur, entertainer, international icon, and philanthropist. In the early 20th century, he began building an entertainment empire whose power and influence is still prominent today. He was co-founder of Walt Disney Productions, becoming one of the best-known motion picture producers in the world. Along with success, many myths are associated with Walt Disney’s name. It is falsely believed that Walt Disney’s head was cryogenically frozen and is placed in a secret vault underneath the Pirate’s of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. Others say that a guest’s head was severed from standing up on the Space Mountain rollercoaster, but really when testing the ride a dummy was placed standing up; thus, severing its head from its body. Though these are just a couple of eerie myths associated with Walt Disney’s name, many more have transpired. Walt Disney has also aided in shaping American culture. The parks, films, and music are a part of our childhood and our culture. The development and message each character projects, depicts Walt Disney’s idea of putting heart and soul into your work allows you to be what you want to be. Today Walt Disney has clearly influenced American culture because more people recognize Mickey Mouse, than their own senate.


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Join date : 2011-10-03

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