Hingham High School Chorus
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Looking Forward to Disney

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Looking Forward to Disney  Empty Looking Forward to Disney

Post  amdurkin Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:50 pm

With all of these discussions we have been having in class about what will be going on throughout the rest of the year, it’s hard not to be excited for every concert that we are going to do. One concert I’m specifically excited for is this year’s talent expo. Walt Disney’s story is inspiring. He was a very average man who had a talent for producing cartoons. I was looking at a biography about him and the start of his career wasn’t successful. He was a high school dropout and the first cartoon business he founded went bankrupt. But he was doing something right and eventually he became a hit because of his perseverance. His movies were released right at the height of the Great Depression. He was able to give the downtrodden people of the depression a reason to be happy even if it was only for a short while. I hope that we can bring this joy to the people of Hingham just like Disney brought joy to the world. Our society has become so uptight and I want to entertain our community and bring them joy with our own version of Disney.


Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-09-21

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