Hingham High School Chorus
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Disney Challenge

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Disney Challenge Empty Disney Challenge

Post  aidenbrashier Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:25 am

I am very excited for Talent Expo. Although the songs that we are singing are all very familiar, I think this familiarity may serve as a challenge to learning the music. When going over the notes, we’ll have moments where we think we know what the note is by simply remembering what the song sounds like in its initial arrangement, which probably will not always be right in the arrangements we are singing. Also, I think we will have to be more involved in keeping proper singing technique. Proper singing technique is often helpful in physically singing difficult pieces like the mass we did for Major Works. However, in more modern, poppish music, we may become passive and just sing along. Despite the challenges that this Talent Expo will pose, I am very excited about learning the music alongside my peers and performing it for our audience.


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Join date : 2011-10-18

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Disney Challenge Empty Re: Disney Challenge

Post  Alison McDermott Mon Jan 07, 2013 5:06 pm

I agree with Aiden. While we are familiar with many of the songs in the concert, it doesn't mean we aren't learning them as new pieces. For many of us, we only recognize the melody of the song, so adding in a harmony will definitely be a change. I know that I have already made a couple of errors in class because instead of reading the note on the page, I am letting myself get bogged up in the tune I already know- this is true even for the song that I sing soprano (which generally sticks to the melody).

I think it is fair to say, that nobody is taking it easy in class. We spend the whole class going note by note and part by part to get the song to where it needs to be. It can be challenging, but it is also really neat to hear the songs in a new way.
The Disney Challenge is one that, so far, everybody has met straight on, working diligently to overcome it.

Alison McDermott

Alison McDermott

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-09-21

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