Hingham High School Chorus
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Disney trip!

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Disney trip! Empty Disney trip!

Post  Beccac97 Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:18 am

I cannot wait until the Disney trip. I am so thankful that HHS Chorus offers this to us. I am hoping that i will be able to become closer with other members outside of our Chorus class. Disney World is filled with happiness and joy and that is what music is to me. I am always listening to different music or looking up different genres and artist to expand my music variety. If i am ever feeling down or just having a bad day, i know that i still have my music and it always make me feel so much better. Music is a lot like Disney Land in a way. I don't think it is even possible to be upset when you are in Disney!! Growing up a child's one dream is always to go to Disney and go on all the different rides. I love thinking about when i was littler and would day dream about one day going to Disney. I have been once before and it was so much fun, i get happy just thinking about it. I think that going on this trip will make everyone a lot closer, and also give us an appreciation for the music we are singing now. The Disney trip will be a happy and exciting trip and I am looking forward to it. Very Happy


Posts : 9
Join date : 2012-11-01

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