Hingham High School Chorus
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Chicago Trip

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Chicago Trip Empty Chicago Trip

Post  Maggie McFarland Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:09 pm

As soon as I found out the Chorus was going to Chicago this year I knew I would be going on the trip. I was so happy you decided to make the trip after April vacation, as this was the reason I could not sign up for the trip last year. I know how much you stressed the importance of taking trips last year, but I never really understood why until the band and orchestra came back from their New York trip last spring. I remember talking with a group of my friends who went on the trip, and they couldn't even describe how much fun they had. This made me realize what we missed out on last year, and I knew I wanted to have that experience this year. Over the summer I had a similar experience with my cross-country team. I had always been friendly with those on my team, but none of us were very close until we attended Foss Running Camp in August together. From the moment we arrived there was an instant bond that formed between our team. We had so many laughs and fun times together, and when it was time to leave none of us were ready. When it was time for practice to begin for the season we all could not wait to see each other. It made cross-country even more special to me. I know that if the chorus is able to go to Chicago a similar bond will be formed. As of now we all know each other, but it’s hard for us to develop real friendships during class when we are singing. Going on a trip would allow us to really get to know each other, and I think it would really help our chorus as a whole. It would make chorus that much better, just as going to camp with my team made cross-country better.

Maggie McFarland

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-10-02

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