Hingham High School Chorus
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Chicago Trip

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Chicago Trip Empty Chicago Trip

Post  katecris Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:47 pm

I would love to go to Disney! I was so sad when i couldn't go to Chicago last year, everyone who went seemed like they had so much fun and they seemed closer as well. I have never gone on a high school trip before, so I'm hoping that Disney will be my first. I am doing as much fundraising as I can, I will be working all the coffee selling hours, all the shifts at homecoming and the car-wash, and hopefully selling lots of ads and donations; but I know that all my hard work will be worth it! I think what makes trips like these special has nothing to do with where we go, I think it's who you go with that makes it so special. I can't wait to go on a trip with my friends and hopefully perform with them as well. We already have a special bond because we love doing the same thing (singing), but now we will also have lots of fun memories from the trip. This trip will also help unify the chorus because it will allow everyone who's there to bond as well. This will help everyone feel more comfortable around each other which will make things such as singing assessments easier and more bearable. Bonding from a trip like Disney will help everyone to think of our chorus as one instead of a group of individuals, which will cause the music we make to reach the next level.


Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-03

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