Hingham High School Chorus
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Chicago Trip

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Chicago Trip Empty Chicago Trip

Post  marykateleonard Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:27 am

The Chicago trip was one of my favorite memories of my sophomore year. It was definatly my favorite memory of chorus. I had such an amazing time being there were everyone from chorus and band. It was such a nice group of people, and I felt like everyone seemed to get along extremely well. My favorite parts of the trip were the Red Sox game and the Art Museum. The Red Sox game was cold, but such a great experience and the museum had such amazing art that I had never seen before. Overall, my trip to Chicago was both enjoyable and eduacational as I obtained experiences that I never had before.

I already posted this for an email, but I realized I had already done an email.


Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-11-04

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