Hingham High School Chorus
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Chicago Trip

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Chicago Trip Empty Chicago Trip

Post  Aoife Kingsbury Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:41 pm

It seems strange that we’ve been talking about this trip for so long, and everyone has seemed so excited, yet only about 26 people in total are actually going. I know that we could have done more to advertise the trip, and do pre-summer fundraising (because it is an expensive trip), but I’m still disappointed that there’s a minimal number of members coming. Still, thank god we don’t need 2/3 majority this year, or else it would have been a second year running without a trip. Next year I’m sure even more people will come to Disney, and there’s no trip to worry about the year after that. All that being said, Chicago is going to be great, and everyone coming is secretly pumped, (or outwardly pumped, if they’re that enthusiastic). If the trip goes as well as I hope it will, then there will be no trouble getting people next year, and either way, I know that I am going to enjoy myself in April when we finally do go. cyclops

Aoife Kingsbury

Posts : 17
Join date : 2011-10-12

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Chicago Trip Empty Re: Chicago Trip

Post  Rissy.I.Hennessey Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:59 pm

Hey guys!! I'm going to Chicago in April and i can't wait to go! it seems like it is going to be a really great trip! My aunt on my mom's side lived there for three years and she had nothing but great things to say about where we are going when we go. I honestly can say that I would really like to try the deep dish pizza! (Man that's gonna be hard to work off when i come home!!! lol! ) I really want to see what that whole mile of stores when we go too! Maybe I'll get my sister a present at the Disney store!! Very Happy I hope we all enjoy and bond on this amazing trip! Marissa cheers


Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-10-04

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