Hingham High School Chorus
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Disney Trip

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Disney Trip Empty Disney Trip

Post  Sarah Pohl Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:50 am

As we are just starting to unfold the Disney pieces for Talent Expo, the fact that I am going to Disney World is really starting to set in. In April I will be traveling south with the chorus and I am extremely excited. I think that going to Disney for the chorus trip is a phenomenal idea especially because we are singing pieces from the fabulous Disney movies. When we go to Disney World, I believe that the chorus will become much closer than we are now. Even though second term is coming to a close, I feel that the chorus could still bond a little more and become closer as a musical family. Going to Disney is just the thing to do. I know that there are many people who are not attending Disney, but for the people that are going, stronger bonds will be created. When we come back from our trip, not only will we have experienced a fantastic time, but we will also be able to share our stories with the people who were unable to go. Even doing so, I feel that stronger bonds will be created throughout the entire chorus. Most of the time, whether it is chorus class, youth groups, or other organizations, spending time together for a long period of time allows people to become closer. Because of this, I think that we will be able to grow more musically as a chorus. Creating bonds allows for communication to come more easily, allowing the chorus to learn pieces more quickly and make them sounds even better than before. As time goes on, the pieces that we sing will become more sophisticated sounding, but having the background of bonds from Disney will only further advance the music that we perform. Besides creating relationships with the members of chorus, I cannot seem to remember if we are performing in Disney, but if we are, I am extremely excited to do so. I think that performing in a setting like Disney World will allow us to experience a larger audience than we have ever had before. Finally, I am extremely excited to have a blast with all of the chorus members! I cannot remember Disney too well because the last time I was there was when I was five years old, so I am looking forward to experiencing it through new eyes. I wait patiently those fabulous days in April!

Sarah Pohl

Posts : 17
Join date : 2011-10-12

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