Hingham High School Chorus
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Day of Lessons

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Day of Lessons  Empty Day of Lessons

Post  Grace Doyle Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:41 pm

I believe that our days of lessons are great! I feel like we spend a perfect amount of time on each task that we set to work on. I love starting off class with stretching and warm ups. It is a great way to kick start your day and is very relaxing. I feel that we don't waste class time putting effort and time toward this, but that it boosts our energy and gets class started. When we begin to do our skill exercises I feel like we spend a decent amount of time on them. I also love how you break the skill exercises up to maybe doing rhythm first then after singing work on sight singing. If we were to spend time of doing all the skill exercises consecutively I would get very frustrated and bored. Our song material is challenging, but we spend enough time breaking it down and going over it to where at the end of class I personally walk away feeling that we have made a good dent on the music every day. At the beginning of class, our class tends to get wrapped up in a conversation. This can be distracting, but I feel like the distraction is a good way to bond with each other. Some of the off topic discussions we have let us know more about you and your opinions, and how feel about things. I feel that these 15min rants turn in to a time where we strengthen our connection with you.

Grace Doyle

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-24

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