Hingham High School Chorus
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Mentoring: Empty Mentoring:

Post  Katie Kelleher Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:24 pm

I recently joined the mentoring program this year, as a mentor. I was really excited to see that we were doing it again, and that I could finally be a mentor to one of the new chorus members in concert chorale. My mentoe is a sophomore who joined chorus for her first time this year. In being only a year apart I feel like we connect more easily, for there is less of a difference between sophomores and juniors. It was nice to finally meet her on Friday morning where we got to chat for a little bit before school. I think this program is going to benefit both of us in the end. In having a member to look up to my mentoe will be able to ask questions about the chorus program. I will learn how to encourage my mentoe and lead her through the year in chorus. Ultimately, the mentor-mentoe program is there to make the new members feel more comfortable with chorus in general. The chorus repetoire and rehearsals can take some getting used to, but I will try my hardest to encourage my mentoe to stick with it. In the end chorus is one of those electives that I know I could never stop. I hope my mentoe is able to see the dedication I have, a sense of commitment that will hopefully spread to her.

Katie Kelleher

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-01

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