Hingham High School Chorus
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The Fantastic Chorus Room

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The Fantastic Chorus Room Empty The Fantastic Chorus Room

Post  HallieNowicki Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:20 pm

I love being in the chorus room early in the morning. It is open and has plenty of space to move around. I personally think that having the lights on or off both have their benefits. It's nice to have the lights off and just have natural light flow in because it helps keep me relax. However, with the lights on I am more alert and can stay more focus. In general, the chorus room is inviting. The space is open and even though the acoustics aren't amazing, they're are suitable for everyday rehearsing. The way the risers are situated are a bonus because every singer has a perfect amount of space to spread out and everybody can be seen by Mr. Young. Another reason why I love the chorus room is because of the beautiful murals already up on the wall. The minute I stepped into the chorus room for the first time, the first thing my eyes were drawn to was the Beetle's mural. The colors are very vibrate and the artistic techniques are amazing. I'm sure when the Motown mural is complete it will be just as draw- dropping. I also can't wait for the rest of the murals to exist, especially the Disney and Broadway ones because I just love those genres of music! Overall, the chorus room is already fantastic and will keep becoming more fantastic each year because of the many young singers who make it feel like home!!!! Very Happy -Hallie Nowicki


Posts : 13
Join date : 2011-12-18

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