Hingham High School Chorus
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Socail Activities Empty Socail Activities

Post  Julia Genovese Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:36 am

A music program is made up of passionate people that all share a love for music. It is only natural that these people will automatically be drawn together. By planning social events for the chorus it will allow these people to come together and bond in a way that will make them more comfortable with each other. With a closer relationship, members of the chorus will feel more comfortable singing in front of each other. Singers will be able to express themselves freely and sing to their potential in rehearsals. With every member fully putting themselves into the music it will allow the group to put the music together in a complete and full way. Social events can only strengthen the music program and many more should be planned for the future of the chorus. It is always nice to have a group of diverse people that you feel comfortable socializing with in school and being a part of the chorus is a wonderful way to have that support.

Julia Genovese

Posts : 8
Join date : 2011-10-04
Age : 28

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