Hingham High School Chorus
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The Importance of Music!

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The Importance of Music! Empty The Importance of Music!

Post  eraso Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:31 pm

Music is a major part of my life. Ever since I was little I would sing and listen to music. My parents would always teach me songs and have me listen to the radio and CD'S. I can not even imagine what I would do without music. I think music is important to people because in stressful times it eases the stress and calms people down. Also, it can help people to concentrate and focus on work that needs to be done. I think that music is part of our culture and our everyday life. The world would be a different place without music. Music it essential in schools because when students are stressed out music gives them a break and lets their mind relax. Music is part of my life and many other peoples. It helps to define who I am. Being in chorus and learning about music and how to sing different types of repertoire helps broaden my knowledge for music. Music is crucial in every musicians life and is always there for someone when they are stressed and need a break!


Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-23

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