Hingham High School Chorus
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Vocal vs. Instrumental music

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Vocal vs. Instrumental music Empty Vocal vs. Instrumental music

Post  jake.vandine Mon May 21, 2012 7:07 pm

I have a history of playing the piano for almost eight years now, and I must say, it's very different from choral music. To play an instrument such as the piano, one must learn a lot of theory, technique, and how to read music, whereas one could sing something he or she just heard on the radio (though probably not well). However, even once all of this information is learned about piano, one still must practice incessantly to become extremely good at it. I have found it is much the opposite with choral music. One must practice a lot to find their way around their voice and learn its boundaries and strengths, its weaknesses and comfort zones. Only then can they learn and put into practice the more advanced theory and technique. I believe that everyone has an innate talent for each; it's how they develop this talent that determines their success as a singer or instrumentalist. To conclude, I think that choral and vocal music are each challenging, just in different ways.


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Join date : 2011-09-22

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