Hingham High School Chorus
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Social Activities

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Social Activities Empty Social Activities

Post  Katie Kelleher Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:17 pm

In my opinion, social activities only benefit the chorus as a whole. It gives the ensemble a chance to see members outside of the stressful school environment. We will only become closer by seeing other sides of our classmates. I'm disappointed that I will not be able to go apple picking tomorrow. I'm sure this will be a great opportunity for members of mixed chorus to bond with each other and even members of concert chorale. Even a couple hours getting to know younger and older classmates will bring us closer. Having the ability to just hang out shows the comfort and unity we have amongst our chorus. I know I will definitely try to make the caramel apple making party! Also, I think the trip to Chicago will not only bring the chorus together but the entire music department (band and orchestra). I hope people realize that this is a great opportunity for us that only comes once every four years! Ultimately I think these social gatherings or trips can't hurt us, therefore, I believe everyone should be involved.

Katie Kelleher

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-01

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