Hingham High School Chorus
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Fall Concert

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Fall Concert Empty Fall Concert

Post  rachel dentremont Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:27 pm

The Fall Concert this year was almost an unexpected wonderful success for me. I felt that concert chorale knew the pieces well but I really didn't know how well we were going to do. I never should have doubted us because we pulled it off and sounded fantastic. However, there were some minor mistakes that I was surprised we made because we went over them so many times in class. In Fauna, there was not as much stressed syllables as there should have been. I feel that I personally was more focused on remembering the lyrics than remembering accented syllables. This was difficult because I feel that it was an important piece of the music and it really shouldn't have been missing. Now the Even Tide had good eneregy and wasn't too slow. I'm glad we were able to bring that piece to life because that was another thing we worked so hard on in class was making sure all the notes were supported and that there was indeed enough life and vibrancy in the song.

rachel dentremont

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-10-16

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