Hingham High School Chorus
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Fall Concert

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Fall Concert Empty Fall Concert

Post  Brooke McLaughlin Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:18 pm

I loved this year's fall concert. It is so much fun to perform for the first time of the year! When we did our performance assessment I know a lot of us were disappointed when we realized that we didn't do as well as we had hoped. But Mr. Young was right when he said we should view it as a positive thing. If we had already reached our full potential, we would have nothing to focus on and nothing to learn from this concert. We have all the tool we need to become a better chorus and I think now that we know where we went wrong and how we could improve, the next concert is going to be so much better. I still think we did great! It was really awesome to get to hear this year's concert chorale and I really enjoyed listening to band and orchestra. Great job everyone! Lets keep it up!

Brooke McLaughlin

Posts : 13
Join date : 2011-10-12
Age : 29

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