Hingham High School Chorus
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Fall Concert

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Fall Concert Empty Fall Concert

Post  Caitlin Boyle Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:48 pm

The fall concert often seems to be the least memorable in comparison to the three other exciting concerts we have but I love the fall concert! It always gives us a chance to sing in another language and this year, it gave a sort-of intro to the Stabat Mater. Last year when you informed us that we might be getting rid of the fall concert, I was genuinely very upset because I honestly think it has so much value. It stands as an intro to the rest of the chorus year because without it, we would just dive right into Major Works with no real transition. But it is not only the warm-up concert to the rest of the chorus year, it also allows us to sing challenging pieces and also listen to what band and orchestra has been working hard on. Concerning this year's fall concert, I was extremely pleased and as we listened back on it in class the day after, I thought we sounded awesome! I thought we did better than we assessed ourselves in some fields but I realize that we can now use that assessment to our advantage because we now know what we have to make strong in the Major Works concert.

Caitlin Boyle

Posts : 10
Join date : 2011-10-10

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