Hingham High School Chorus
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Fall Concert!

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Fall Concert! Empty Fall Concert!

Post  Caroline Randall Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:16 pm

Although the fall concert is not one of our main concerts like Major Works and Talent Expo, I think that it is extremely important in that it sets the tone for the rest of the year. The preparation for the fall concert definitely has started right up this year without any hesitation- we were rehearsing on the first day of school! The repertoire for the fall concerts typically consists of beautiful classic pieces that are really enjoyable for the audience. With this kind of music that is not as difficult as the Major Works concert, there is not too much pressure on us; we know that we will be able to own these pieces with no problem. Though the expectations are not extremely high in the fall concert, I think that the chorus always impresses the audience by making these classic pieces come alive.

Caroline Randall

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-09-20

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