Hingham High School Chorus
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Mentor Program

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Mentor Program  Empty Mentor Program

Post  hollyhancock15 Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:41 pm

I think that the mentoring program was a fantastic idea that fell apart due to poor planning. Everyone always says that the mentor program is such a great idea, and yet no one attended any of the events that were planned at the beginning of the year! This would be one of my biggest concerns for next year with the incoming group of boys. We are so beyond fortunate to be welcoming 8 boys into the chorus program and we should not take that for granted. My guess is that they will feel very overwhelmed by a class of 30 girls laughing and bonding with each other, and it should be out job to make sure that we welcome them and make them feel at home with the rest of us. I think it is a great idea for us to have mentor/mentee mornings with music and games (and munchkins if we're lucky). Although we did not need the program this year because we all bonded instantly, I feel as though it would be very beneficial and instrumental to have it next year in order to welcome the boys!


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Join date : 2011-11-02

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