Hingham High School Chorus
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Broadway Show!

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Broadway Show! Empty Broadway Show!

Post  mkd1186 Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:27 pm

Every year I look forward to our Talent Expo concert. I get really excited when I find out what the new theme is. Freshmen and Sophomore year when we did Elvis and Country, I had so much fun! I think it's awesome that we are doing Broadway this year. I have always loved Broadway music! I love watching musical's whether they are on movies or in theater. I went to Rent in Boston a couple years ago, and it really blew me away. It was so amazing between the meaning of the play and the music that went along. I had the chills the whole time I was watching the show. I definitely think that Broadway music has so much meaning in different ways, that it will bring so much character to our concert. I hope that we get a wide variety of different types of music for our special acts. I am really looking forward on seeing what pieces of music we are singing for the concert. I can't wait, know it's going to be a blast!


Posts : 10
Join date : 2011-10-12

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