Hingham High School Chorus
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New Understanding of Broadway

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New Understanding of Broadway Empty New Understanding of Broadway

Post  Alison McDermott Sat Mar 03, 2012 3:27 pm

To be honest, I wasn’t all that excited for Talent Expo this year. As a non-drama kid in chorus, I don’t really know much about the world of Broadway so it was hard for me to get into it. I didn’t understand why there were gasps when it was revealed certain artists weren’t going to be a part of the repertoire, or why it was really cool that a certain artist was. It wasn’t until the chorus sang “You’ll Never Walk Alone” one day, that I really felt connected. The song has such a great message behind it and I could relate to it. After that I became more enthusiastic about rehearsals and Talent Expo VII became real to me. I began to pay attention more and listen more; the video-documentary on the history of Broadway was really interesting! As I watched the video, I realized that I actually knew some of the songs. This fact alone, that I, a non-drama kid, knew some of the songs and was able to connect to them demonstrates how great an impact Broadway has had.

Alison McDermott

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-09-21

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