Hingham High School Chorus
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singing assesments

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singing assesments Empty singing assesments

Post  rachel dentremont Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:32 pm

Last year I would get so nervousfor singing assesments because I was afraid of failing them or embarassing myself in front of my classates. This year for the first few singing assesments I opted to go before school because I lacked confidence. After doing the first few alone, I began to learn what it was that I really needed to improve on. Before, I would just sing and hope to get through it, then glance at the rubric. But doing them alone helped because the feedback was more thourough and we worked more right then and there to solve the problems. After doing them a few times in the morning, I began to gain the confidence to do them in class. Now I am not as nervous for singing assesments. I think it is also partially becuase we dont have just one try. If we get it wrong the first time we have that oppurtunity to work through the issues and correct ourselves and I like that. It is helpful when your classmates are almost cheering you on in a way. Our class is very supportive of one another and I appreciate that. We all really work together to make each other better. Over all, I have gone from dreading singing assesments to actually enjoying them in a way.

rachel dentremont

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-10-16

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