Hingham High School Chorus
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Social Gatherings

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Social Gatherings Empty Social Gatherings

Post  shelbyosullivan Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:35 am

I believe it is very important for a choral group like ours to have social gatherings! I think we all need to be close or at least know one another a little bit if we are singing in an ensemble together. The pasta parties in the past have been very fun, and a great opportunity for everyone to get a chance to talk with each other. Another great idea is the Disney themed movie nights. Although, it has been tough to find a house to fit everyone comfortably to view the Disney classics, we should really keep trying because it will be so fun! Everyone loves those movies, and we should become especially familiar with them because of our upcoming concert. Gatherings like these only benefit our group and create a closer bond between each and everyone of us. Especially because we are such a small chorus now it is good to get as friendly as we can with each other. Come on guys lets get those movie parties goinnnn!


Posts : 13
Join date : 2011-09-19

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