Hingham High School Chorus
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Music Theory

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Music Theory Empty Music Theory

Post  LouisaBrady Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:13 am

Taking Music Theory as a class this year has help me tremendously in chorus - mainly in our sight singing exercises and in our practices with rhythms. Conversely, all of the practice that we've done over the past few years in chorus has helped me with certain exercises and lessons in the class itself. It's really a two way street. Knowing a little bit more about a piece (its key signature, whether it's in major or minor, or its meter) makes it so much easier to sight read because you're accustomed to dealing with these other elements of music already. And, although at the beginning of the year Mr. Cincotta gave us exercises for homework that even he considered tedious, I think those have helped me the most with my participation in chorus this year. I always feel like I'm a step or two ahead of where I used to be last year when sight reading a piece for the first or even the second time. In short, take theory! It helps.


Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-21

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