Hingham High School Chorus
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Music Theory

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Music Theory Empty Music Theory

Post  BrianPerrault Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:27 pm

I've only been in Music Theory for 3 months and I've already seen my sight-reading and general musicianship improve. Between Mixed Chorus, Choral Spectrum Men's Chorus and Voice Lessons I was already seeing music on a daily basis. But now that I'm in Music Theory I'm spending several extra hours each week learning in class or practicing at home. I've never been so handy with a piece of music. I find myself writing down chord progressions in The Mass and I hear intervals clearer than ever. And I find the skills I'm learning in music theory extremely helpful. It's great to take concepts such as counterpoint and see them come to play in pieces such as "Gloria." It's great to sing powerful four-part harmonies while we write four part harmonies in theory. And it's great to hear intervals in my head before I have to sing them. Music theory is a powerful tool for a singer and I completely recommend this class to any hopeful underclassmen!


Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-09-21

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Music Theory Empty Music Theory

Post  MollySaran Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:51 pm

One thing I find myself wishing I knew more about is music theory. I've heard of the class and I have considered taking it in the past, but I've never seriously decided that it was something that I would add to my schedule. As the year progresses I find myself wishing more and more that I knew how to do simple things such as lead sight singing, find what key signature we're in, or find the starting note. Although I have tight schedule, I have decided to take the class next year if I am still serious about majoring in music in college. I feel like the class could also help me to step up as an upperclassmen next year and reach my full potential in next year's all girls chorus. I hope and look forward to enrolling in the Music Theory class thus involving music in my life even more.

Molly Saran


Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-09-19

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