Hingham High School Chorus
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Music Theory

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Music Theory Empty Music Theory

Post  Aoife Kingsbury Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:29 pm

I took a music theory class in 8th grade, and it literally made reading music and all sight singing excercises so much easier, and everything music-related made more sense. Going in to the class, I thought it would be relatively simple, knowing how to play piano blah blah blah, however, it was a very callenging course, and I knew hardly anything that was taught. I'm planning on taking AP Theory next year (or senior year) as it would be great to learn even more theory which seemed to me to be a very mathematic/scientific explanation for music, which is helpful. I recommend anyone interested in music to take this class, as it really could enhance your skills, and really make all those sight-singings less daunting..

Aoife Kingsbury

Posts : 17
Join date : 2011-10-12

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