Hingham High School Chorus
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Social/Bonding Time!

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Social/Bonding Time! Empty Social/Bonding Time!

Post  kenziehunt Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:59 pm

For me, I love people, groups and events. I like saying, "oh, yeah, I know them from my... group! I love them!". Joining groups and being part of a family is the main reason why I love being a member of an ensemble, club, etc. When you as an individual get to know a person fully and know that he or she is better at this, can help you out with that, will have your back in case something goes haywire here, is when you can let go and soak up whatever experience you are able to be having to the fullest. No person can say that being a part of chorus/band/orchestra/drama is more fun when people are less familiar to you. At the beginning of almost every group there is an awkward tension because no one is sure if someone will call them out if they do something wrong, or make a horrible first impression. The sooner people become more familiar with each other, the sooner weirdness and fun come into an environment (just how I like it!). Whether people have a party where they invite everyone in their ensemble, or pasta parties, going to the movies, or even just chilling out listening to music and sharing views. It is human nature to want to feel like you belong somewhere where people love you for you and you all share something in common. To enhance these feelings of belonging, people need to go out of their way a little more to say hi to new people and talk to them, you never know, inside they might be exactly like you! No one should be or feel patronized because of talent or age or just a plain (and inexcusable) feeling of superiority. All families have big personalities that are hard to over look and different views that should be approached with open minds. If we remember these golden rules, we will be one big happy family in no time!


Posts : 7
Join date : 2012-09-20

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