Hingham High School Chorus
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Choral Text

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Choral Text Empty Choral Text

Post  MollySaran Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:58 pm

This year, a major concept seems to be the text of the music we plan to perform. Never before has there been such an emphasis on the messages we will be conveying to the audience through our repatoire. I'm beginning to have a greater appreciation for the text in our choral music. It first interested me when I saw that we were singing a French piece because I take French and I think it sounds beautiful, spoken or sung. For major works, the theme of death is obviously prominent, and I think it will move many people in the audience and in the chorus. As we have been discussing in class, death is a complicated subject but the simplicity of the music allows us to appreciate the beauty of each movement. I am more than positive we will perform the Stabat Mater and the Mozart Requiem with grace and poise. This year is challenging my emotional connection to choral music and I couldn't be more excited to perform such sophisticated pieces of music.


Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-09-19

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