Hingham High School Chorus
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Spring text

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Spring text Empty Spring text

Post  Caitlin Sullivan Sun May 06, 2012 9:50 pm

I find it is important that with each new piece of music we learn to decipher the lyrics section by section. Oftentimes music can possess a lot of hidden meaning in the texts of the piece. In addition, examining the texts can help one gain an appreciation for the feeling that the author is trying to portray. One can also look at the texts for pronunciation purposes. By studying the texts of music, one can look at the different vowel sounds and pronounce the words differently. All in all, examining the different texts is very important in pieces of music.
Prior to the spring concert, we have examined many different aspects of the lyrical texts in chorus music. With the mass the importance of the text was a little more prevalent then the spring. We were singing about awakening, christ, the birth of Jesus and much more. With the spring repertoire it is harder to find the text-mood connection. It is important for each person to have a story to reach a common feeling to depict a similar mood from the song. Everyone in class must be on the same page. We have to dig into the text to find the rich meaning behind the lyrics. It is even more important that we feel the text in German. Being able to feel the emotional aspect of a text in another language is super impressive. It would really put our chorus performance on the next level. In order to have our chorus reach an emotional balance about the literature takes one simple task: focus. One has to focus and engage in practice to connect to the lyrical text and our performances will be that much better!

Caitlin Sullivan

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-21

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