Hingham High School Chorus
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Post  NoelleM Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:46 pm

One of my favorite songs in the world is "Moody's Mood for Love." It's James Moody's sax solo based on "I'm In the Mood For Love" with lyrics added later. I had never heard the original, instrumental version of the song until recently, and it totally changed my experience of listening to it. At first, I expected the singer to start, and when they didn't, I found myself listening to the words in my head as the melody went by. Finally, though, I just sat back and listened to the complexity of it, and I started to understand what was so intriguing about the solo in the first place - the improvised freedom, the unexpected turns, how it both is "I'm In the Mood For Love" and isn't. I can't decide whether I like the original recording or the vocal version better, but I'm glad I have both to enrich my enjoyment and understanding of the song.


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Join date : 2011-10-04

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