Hingham High School Chorus
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Text of The Mass

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Text of The Mass Empty Text of The Mass

Post  Maggie McFarland Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:09 pm

Often when learning a piece of music you will go through and translate the meaning of the text so we are able to have a better understanding of how the piece should be sung. Though I would write the translations in my music I never really noticed a difference in the way I sang it. I wasn't sure if I was missing the meaning, or if others felt the same way as me. Today in class when Jim Kim came to work with us I suddenly realized what needed to be done in order to hear a difference in the way certain phrases were sung. Though he didn't completely translate the text, the way he had practice singing lighter and in a spiral rather than in a straight line really helped me to change the way I sang particular phrases. When going back and working on these phrases I felt that this time I did change the way I was singing, and it was definitely for the better. After working on the Mass for so long, I felt we had really mastered it and were almost close to perfect. But after today I think we were all able to pick out those few extra details to work on. I felt having someone like Jim Kim come in was such a good experience for our Chorus, and a good way to make those last final touches on the Mass before the concert.

Maggie McFarland

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-10-02

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