Hingham High School Chorus
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Musical events outside HHS!

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Musical events outside HHS! Empty Musical events outside HHS!

Post  Abby.Warren Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:19 pm

Last night, I went to see an acapella group perform called " the Beezlebubs". I had heard about them from friends and family but never really looked into them. So, when my friend invited me I decided so see what they were all about. I was amazed with what I saw and heard. The members were all male college students from Tufts University, who had some of the best voices I had ever heard. They sang popular songs but added their own twist to it. They had the coolest harmonies and 2 of them provided "voice percussion" that pulled the whole performance together. The best part was the energy they had. They added comedy, dance, and got the audience into it. Also, each member had a solo in a song, so it wasn't like one leader with backup voices. Its unbelievable to think that the only instrument they used besides their voices was a pitch pipe that one of the singers played a single note off of before a song began. Based off of that one note, they all found their pitches to start the song. In chorus right now, we are rehearsing acapella and using a pitch pipe, so I understand how difficult it is for them, yet they make it look so easy! I had a great time, and seeing this wonderful group has inspired me to work really hard on training my ear to sing acapella.


Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-11-01

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