Hingham High School Chorus
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Personalizing Room 197

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Personalizing Room 197 Empty Personalizing Room 197

Post  LouisaBrady Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:38 pm

Even though I feel like someone posts this same kind of statement every year, I really think it would be awesome if our classroom was a little more personal. I love the posters above the white board of all of the past Major Works concerts, particularly the ones that I've been a part of. But why not hang up more of our past posters, especially those from Talent Expo? I think just having that as a reminder to what we've done in the past will help motivate us for future concerts. Also, I definitely think we should try to fill at least one of the near-empty bulletin boards with posters from concerts and other chorus events. I'm sure that lots of pictures were taken while apple-picking today, and I think they would be a really fun addition to the room! Finally, on a related but different note, I was noticing that in the prompt for this question, it asked if we should keep the lights off in rehearsal. Personally, I think this is a great idea. Since we always have chorus early in the morning, no one really wants to be blinded by the lights in the room. They're not blinding, exactly, but I think everyone could be more relaxed and focused if we tried shutting the lights off. Laughing


Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-21

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Personalizing Room 197 Empty room 197

Post  Caitlin Sullivan Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:57 pm

Going off what Louisa was saying: I think that room 197 is improving but can still improve its appearance. Mr. Young always s stresses that chorus is an escape from all of the other stresses of your day. Therefore right when one walks into room 197 it must make them feel that way!
I am aware that Aoife is going to make the character bulletin board. This will be an excellent asset to our room. It will remind everyone of the expectations regarding character in chorus. Pictures would also be wonderful to have on display! I will definitely help make collages on the bulletin boards in the classroom! As Louisa said there are some from apple picking and I am sure more to come in the future from other events.
In addition, I think that the new mural will be great in the room! I know that the Beatles one is inspiring to look at, and I was not even in he high school when that talent expo took place! Also I hope that we can get the funding back for the water station. I will keep brainstorming ideas to make our room more home-esk!

Caitlin Sullivan

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-21

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