Hingham High School Chorus
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My Vocal Teaccher:Amber

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My Vocal Teaccher:Amber Empty My Vocal Teaccher:Amber

Post  Ashley O'regan Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:25 am

Since this summer, I have been taking music lessons at Bose’s school of music in Weymouth. My teacher's name is Amber and she is so cool. She has made practicing music and vocal exercises seem really fun to do. She has helped me with breath management, intonation and learning music. Currently she is also teaching me to use my diaphragm to push out notes and fixing my rhythm. I have been able to study music with comfort and excitement. In chorus I sometimes feel nervous stepping out of the barrier and singing by myself, but Amber is helping take risks and feel confident when singing. I hope that she will keep teaching me to be a better singer.

Ashley O'regan

Posts : 8
Join date : 2011-09-21

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