Hingham High School Chorus
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Music Around US

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Music Around US Empty Music Around US

Post  Jonathan Hart Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:17 pm

Music is rhythms of sound that stimulates the mind in many forms and ways. All sounds can be made into music as long as there is a beat, a rhythm. Different tones can stimulate different emotional reactions. The speed of the sound can determine a certain mood. For instance Rock’n Roll makes you want to get and dance while the darker black note moody music tends to make one sit quietly deep in thought. Jazz and the Blues tell us a story either sad or joyous. Music can be soothing, as a lullaby is to a baby. Music shows feelings. Some music brings out emotions in people. Music is a key part of our daily lives even if we are unaware of it. Certain people make a living off their musical abilities and they are idolized for it. But do we need these stars to find music, no just listen to the birds, the wind, the waves, nature in general and you will find the music.

Jonathan Hart

Posts : 3
Join date : 2012-01-02
Age : 31

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