Hingham High School Chorus
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Music is Escape

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Music is Escape Empty Music is Escape

Post  Chris.Nevins Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:50 pm

Music has been, and always will be my escape. Some of my most reflective moments have occurred either listening to music or playing it. Music is something that I feel so passionately about that I do not think I could ever possibly lose touch with it. In any sort of stressful situation, the one place I always seem to find myself is on my bed, with my guitar. I wrote about a similar topic in a portion of my college application and I truly believe that that 1000 character personal statement gave a truer description of my character more so than any other part of my application. I have always found comfort in music and in a way I fell as if it is the only way I keep my sanity on a day to day basis. I believe that music is truly my greatest therapy and stress reliever. I always feel great joy in performing because it gives me the opportunity to forget everything else that I have going on, and only focus on expressing the music as best as I can.


Posts : 6
Join date : 2011-10-26

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