Hingham High School Chorus
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Sight Singing

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Sight Singing Empty Sight Singing

Post  Sarah Pohl Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:41 pm

Sight singing is one of those things where you just have to give it a chance. At the beginning of the year I thought that sight singing was so farfetched that I would never be able to get it right. Because we have been doing it everyday and going over the parts that are just not clicking in out minds, I have found that I am becoming much more familiar with finding the first note and the first solfege notes in the sight-singing exercises. I think that becoming familiar with these things help tremendously with any new piece that is given to us. Sight singing is something that can only benefit the chorus. Becoming comfortable with sight singing is very helpful as it is a great tool that can be used for any music. To be honest, sight singing is not my favorite thing to do in chorus, but when we are doing our morning routine of sight singing, I feel a sense of accomplishment when I read every note right. A singer just has to go over the sight singing as many times until they get it right because it will only help in the long run. An idea that I have that could benefit the chorus even more while using the solfege and hand signs to challenge our ears is to sing up and down the scale, but instead of all together, in either one or two voice parts in a round. If each part is singing the scale at a different time, it would really make each voice part work together and train our ears to know the notes and the hand signs as we are singing. Another thing that we could do is put the sight-singing booklet on our seats and do the hand signs while we sight sing.

Sarah Pohl

Posts : 17
Join date : 2011-10-12

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