Hingham High School Chorus
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Sight-Singing Empty Sight-Singing

Post  Aoife Kingsbury Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:00 pm

I agree with Amanda: sight-singing is extremely beneficial to the Chorus as a whole, and it also improves individuals' musicianship (and when we do it right, there is almost a sense of fun. Almost. I wouldn't go as far as to say sight-singing is my favorite part of Chorus or anything). I know Mr. Young says we should look over them the nigh before, and I also know that this is definitely not a priority for some people (including me, unfortunately). HOWEVER, Amanda and I seem to have found a good solution to the no-time-to-practice-sight-singing problem. It works better if you're book 3, because as soon as we're done with the current sight-singing, we quietly sing the next day's sight-singing together, and go over the harder parts, while everyone is focused on book 4. It's not ideal, but you can definitely tell that we're much better on the days we've practiced in class the day before. If we all found a time to do it in class (maybe while Mr. Young's working with another section) we would get through sight-singing so much faster, PLUS it wouldn't interfere with after-school stuff. Just an idea.

Aoife Kingsbury

Posts : 17
Join date : 2011-10-12

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Sight-Singing Empty sight singing!

Post  Abby.Warren Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:21 pm

I completely agree with what Aoife said about sight singing. Everyday after book 1 finishes their sight singing, i look over the tune for the next day while book 2 reherses as well as the night before, and it helps very much! I know book 1 isn't at a very hard level of difficulty, but if you really study the notes, skips and solfege in the tune and really think about what your singing instead of just memorizing the melody, then it can really help in the long run when you get to a harder tune and you remember what to do. Also, sight singing can help you learn music faster (be more independant) and, in auditions for festivals, it can separate you from that other really good singer who did "just okay" on the sight singing section and help you get in. Personally, i believe sight singing is a key tool in learning how to really be a skilled singer.


Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-11-01

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