Hingham High School Chorus
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Solo Auditions!!

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Solo Auditions!!  Empty Solo Auditions!!

Post  mollyrabinovitz12 Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:38 am

Solo auditions. Sometimes nerves get the best of the person who is auditioning. There have been many occasions where this has been me. For the Talent Expo concert this year, I took a stab at it and auditioned for "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" and "A Whole New World". My solo audition for "A Dream is a Wish" was slightly tragic. To prepare, I bought a piano app, and a pitch pipe app on my phone because I don't own either of those. I later realized that the apps didn't help me much. I gave myself the pitch and focused first on rhythm, then pitch, then just overall melodic accuracy. Going into my audition, I felt confident in myself, that I could do it. Then once Mr. young started to play the piano, I blanked and freaked out. I walked out the doors after my audition with my head not so high; but I told myself to never give up. I later auditioned for "A Whole New World". I knew this song much better than I knew the other piece. Right before I went in for my audition, a random hit of nerves fled through my body. To try and relax, I checked my score once more, and I took a deep breath, and went for it with everything that I had. Sometimes, it's better to enter an audition and over do it, than to not do it up to the conductor's par. To relax nerves, all one can really to is tell yourself over and over again that it is possible and the nerves will go away if you don't focus on them. Like Claire Maisto said, "It's better to accept the fact that you're nervous than to deny it and make it all worse." Congrats to Julia and Marissa who also took the chance to audition for this piece! It sounded wonderful at the concert ladies! Smile


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Join date : 2012-10-29

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