Hingham High School Chorus
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Fundraising Empty Fundraising

Post  MeghanGeorge Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:18 pm

I’m definitely excited that Fundraising is a forum topic! Although the cotton candy sales at homecoming have been successful, we need to get the ball rolling on other ideas that could potentially make more money. I think we should start selling items that won’t end up in peoples’ stomachs! They should be able to leave homecoming with a stomach full of cotton candy and something to show for it. I know it’s a little too late for this year, but I think next year we should sell things like tee shirts, stickers, or magnets. These items don’t necessarily have to be music related. They could be Hingham or chorus related. Another idea is scarves. They’re not as expensive as tee shirts to order and seem like more thought was put into it than just a sticker. Also, we could sell hot chocolate (or APPLE CIDER!) in nice mugs, and obviously they get to keep them! Yes, these things are little more expensive than just buying cotton candy supplies, but they could also make the chorus more money. We could get everyone together and collaborate in designing these items and we could become more of this “family” we are always wishing for!


Posts : 8
Join date : 2011-09-20

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Fundraising Empty Fundraising!

Post  MeredithTompkins Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:20 pm

Like Meghan I think fundraising is important. But, not only is it important but it is super fun! Exclamation Depending on what awesome ideas I know we can come up with there are so many different ways we can have fun with it. Not only can we have fun selling things, but if we are making them we can have parties to do that. Like with are apples, even if we wont be able to make cider, we can still have an awesome time picking them and then making whatever it is we end up making like caramel apples or pie or muffins or anything like that! Also I'm sure we could come up with some awesome events to use as fundraisers like some kind of concert or dance or movie night or something like that. Im sure we can find tons of ways to fundraise for our awesome trips and events to come. Oh and when the time comes, don't forget to sell those ads!!


Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-09-21

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Fundraising Empty FUNDRAISING

Post  abbiruggiero Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:38 pm

Fundraising plays an important role in our HHS chorus society. This is a FACT. My view is that the more successful we are with our fundraising this year, the more confident every chorus student will for next year. Meaning, that they will know that if they work hard enough they will raise a large amount of money. Once we start bringing in the doe this feeling of accomplishment will bubble up inside of us. I don't known about you, but when I start to sell something all I want to do is sell more! My goal is to have everyone in this program to feel the same way I do. I am so excited to cook and sell the apple treats. It sounds like fun. I agree with Meredith, a move night sounds like a great idea. We could offer it to all chorus students with an admission fee. Some students volunteer to bring drinks, snacks, and of course popcorn. Also, we could order pizza and if you wanted some you would pay an addition fee of 5 dollars or under. Another suggestion is to have a few students run a table outside the gym enterance for a week, or so. There you could sell some candy, powerade/gatorade, and energy bars. That should raise some money, but we just would have to remind our friends to bring money. I know they will want to buy some. Lastly, another one of my many ideas is to design and create a HHS chorus shirt and sticker. Maybe they could have a catchy phrase or drawing. To decide what is on the shirt we could have a contest. You would enter you design with a fee of a few dollars. This would be a great way to earn a little more cash and make an artistic "masterpiece". The shirt would be a great way to spread chorus around the school, maybe even interesting a few people in joining. Anyway, I bet all of you have some great ideas on how to fundraise. If, you do you really need to share them with the chorus, maybe post them on edmodo. We are really starting to make chorus grow!


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Join date : 2011-10-03

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Fundraising Empty Fundraising!

Post  Amanda Conkey Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:49 pm

I think fundraising is very important to the chorus for many reasons. At the homecoming cotton candy sale, I don't think we made as much money as we wanted. So that gave me a lot more persistance at trying to raise as much money as I possibly could for the chorus. The bake sale I worked for the football game went very well! My partner and I raised $45 working three hours, just imagine if we did it for longer! The bake sales are going well, but I still think we need a little more to reach our full potential. One idea that came into my mind was, what if we went canning. Some of my freinds went canning for their sports and they made a lot of money. On a Saturday or Sunday we could try to get a group of chorus members together and go down to Derby Street or some other place. We could split up in groups of four and go to dfferent stores. I think this would work pretty well becuase it gives us a chance to spend time together and also raise money for our trip. Another idea that I thought about was rakeing peoples lawns. Now that its Fall, the leaves are starting to fall a lot more. With peoples busy schedules they may not have enough time to rake their own lawns. I think it would be a great idea going house to house with the chorus and asking people if they would like their whole lawns raked for about $25-$50 depending on the size of the lawn. I don't think it would take an extremely long time seeing their would be so much of us doing it at the same time. These are just a few of the many fundraising ideas I have for the chorus.

Amanda Conkey

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Join date : 2011-10-13

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Fundraising Empty Fundraising

Post  JosiSiskchorus Sun May 27, 2012 4:57 pm

i think we need to have more funraising for Disney because that may make it so that more people can go on the trip. i know i wasnt able to go on the chicago because i knew i wasnt able to get the money needed. but we could do fundraising over the summer like car washes, which are also a great way to spend time with fellow chorus members. i also believe that havng more chances during the school year to raise money will help as well. i think that we can also do more apple picking outings because that was something that I wanted to do but missed.


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Join date : 2012-05-27

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