Hingham High School Chorus
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Fundraising Empty Fundraising

Post  Sarah Pohl Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:45 pm

The chorus program does hold one fundraiser that truly benefits the program as a whole along with individual students who worked. This fundraiser is the coffee sale. Many students including myself are going on the Disney trip in April. It is necessary to earn money for these trips especially because of the extensive cost. An idea that I have is that we could sell a certain item one week during the year in the mornings as people walk into the building. We all have ordered t-shirts for ourselves, but maybe we could order t-shirts that have musical notes on it (or something along those lines) and sell them in them. I think this would raise a lot of money for the chorus program and for the individuals that sell them. Another example is that I know the dump allows groups to take the cans from their recycle piles and then exchange them for change. This is an idea that can get us money, and the only thing we have to do in return is a few hours of community service. These are just two fundraising ideas that could raise money for the chorus program and for the students going to Disney World. Fundraising is an extremely important aspect of the chorus program because of the amount of extra activities that we do, such as trips and festivals. Without fundraising, most of the money needed for these outside activates would have to come out of pocket and from the chorus program itself. This is not ideal because as the years add up and the amount of festivals and trips keep reoccurring, the cost becomes more and more expensive and sooner or later there will be less people participating.

Sarah Pohl

Posts : 17
Join date : 2011-10-12

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