Hingham High School Chorus
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Special Act Auditions

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Special Act Auditions Empty Special Act Auditions

Post  amdurkin Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:18 pm

Last Monday night was special act auditions, and my group and I had been preparing for some time. We got every note in order and practiced until we thought we were ready. The anticipation of the night is one of my favorites. I love preparing and rehearsing and all the dedication that it takes to get ready for special acts. We were up second and we were nervous, but we were ready. We sang our hearts out and I had so much fun. I was so proud of what we had accomplished all on our own. All the hard work was worth it in that moment. I’m so happy that I have been able to participate in special acts both of the years I have been in high school. I wish that more people chose to take this opportunity because it really is worth it. The satisfaction that comes from preparing a song entirely on your own is one of the most gratifying I have experienced. Last Monday night we only had seven acts audition. I would love to see more people audition because it is a great experience no matter what. The night was enjoyable and all the acts were great, I just wish that more people could have shared this night.


Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-09-21

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